
Each of the following steps needs to be configured for the drf instamojo to be fully functional.

Getting the code

Install from PyPI (recommended) with pip:

pip install drf_instamojo

Or Install via easy_install:

pip install drf_instamojo

Or Install from source code:

pip install -e git+


Add drf_instamojo to your INSTALLED_APPS setting and Add, if wanted, drfaddons in INSTALLED_APPS (This is although not required!):


Setting up URLconf

Add drf_instamojo's URLs to your project’s URLconf as follows:

from django.urls import path

urlpatterns = [
    path('api/instamojo/', include('drf_instamojo.urls')),

# or

from django.urls import re_path

urlpatterns = [
    re_path(r'^api/instamojo/', include('drf_instamojo.urls')),

Sync Database

Run migrate command:

python migrate